Salmon fishing season postponed on the Kola Peninsula

The salmon fishing season has been postponed in the Murmansk region. Due to prolonged winter the salmon fishing season opening day has been shifted off for two weeks, informed the Murmansk Fishing Regulatory Agency. “In view of unfavorable weather conditions, opening of the fishing season on the Kola river and installation of a 24-hour license point in the Molochniy... read more →

FSB special operation in the Murmansk region: arms dealers detained

Two men selling ammunition to firearms have been detained, informs the press-service of the Murmansk regional FSB. According to FSB, a criminal case has been filed under Article 30, part 3 of the RF Criminal Code (attempted crime) and Article 222, part 2 (illegal purchase, transfer, trade, storage, transportation, carrying of weapons, its parts and...read more →

Caution! The center of Murmansk crumbling!

The Stalin-era buildings in the center of Murmansk that haven’t been refurbished for several years are becoming potentially unsafe.  The walls are crumbling, pieces of bricks are falling out. A car parked by Lenina 77 has been damaged –only one so far. The Sofii Perovskoy 10 is marked with warning signs due to pieces of facing falling down.  That is...read more →

Forest preserve with 350-years old pines to be created on the Russian-Norwegian border

The project of Korablekk Forest preserve to be established in the Pechenga district of the Murmansk region will be considered in the Regional Government on Friday, informed the Government’ spress-service. The park is to be created next to the specially protected nature area Pasvik at the Russian-Norwegian border. It’s peculiarity will bethe...read more →

Zello users from Murmansk appeal to Roskomnadzor

Users of Zello application (channel “Murmansk-51”) appeal to the Head of the Federal Supervision Agency for Information Technologies and Communications (Roskomnadzor) requesting not to close the application. We, the users of Zello channel “Murmansk-51” and residents of different cities, ask you not to close the ZELLO application on the territory of...read more →

New quotas and terms of salmon fishing announced in the Murmansk region

In 2017 Murmansk region may catch 95 tons of Atlantic salmon and 330 tons of pink salmon, reports the press-service of the Murmansk Regional Government referring to the Polar Research Institute of Marine Fishery and Oceanography. “Out of these volumes 1.88 tons are earmarked for scientific-research purposes, 2.515 ton for breeding and 1 ton for traditional activities of...read more →

Anti-corruption picket joined by 110 participants

According to the official data of the Murmansk regional Police, the anti-corruption public campaign was joined by 110 participants. The picket to support the investigation of Aleksey Navalny’s was held peacefully unlike other Russian cities.  “There were 110 picketers. The pictures show more people due to another public cultural activity also held...read more →

Cruise season to the North Pole to open on June, 15

This year the atomic icebreaker “50 Years Of Victory” will make its first voyage from Murmansk to the North Pole on June, 15. There have been 5 voyages scheduled so far. The cruise operating companies are travel agencies “Quark Expedition”, “Poseidon”, “Zehgram” и “Volento”. Today Rosatomflot has agreed on ...read more →

Delegation from Murmansk will join the Sami Union conference

On February 9-11 Trondheim will host the 21st Sami conference which is this year dedicated to the 100-year anniversary of the first meeting that took place there in 1917. On the 7th of January the working committee on preparation of the Sami Union conference held a meeting in Karasjok. As has been found, this time the conference will gather 72 delegates from 4

Pasvik visitor center opened by the Head of national Ministry of Natural Resources

The Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation Sergey Donskoy took part in the opening ceremony of Pasvik nature reserve’s visitor center. In his opening speech the Minister told about the uniqueness of the only in Europe nature reserve located on the territory of three states including Russia. He also voiced his confidence that the new

Kola Peninsula attracts tourists from exotic countries

As it has been reported by the Regional Governor Marina Kovtun at a working meeting, there is an increasing number of tourists in the Murmansk region from such exotic countries as Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore. “Over 30 thousand tourists visited the Murmansk region during the New Year holidays which is 4% more as compared to the last year. Along with tourists from the

Trawler with 30 fishermen lost its way in the Barents sea

Fishing boat Zhemchuzhina broke down in the Barents Sea with 30 fishermen onboard. Murmanryba vessel of the Northern Emergency and Rescue Service is heading to rescue the fishing boat. According to the Service, if the rescue operation is successful, Zhemchuzhina will reach the Murmansk port on Thursday. “On January, 15 at around midnight on its way from the fishing

Airbus Murmansk made its first landing in Murmansk airport

Today airbus A319 “Murmansk” operated by Rissiya airlines for the first time landed in the Murmansk airport. The flight from St.Petersburg landed at 11.20 am. The return flight to Pulkovo is scheduled at 12.25 The aircraft has recently been named Murmansk after the world’s largest city located beyond the Arctic Circle.  We shall remind that the

Mysterious flash seen in the sky of Murmansk. VIDEO

The Murmansk locals have posted on social networks videos showing a mysterious flash in the sky. Such light emission might presumably result from power line short circuit. The video provoked strong reaction among social networks who assumed that the flash might be a meteoritic fall. Some suggested that it was an UFO. The e-community “Weather in Murmansk” explains

Murmansk ice-swimmers came up with a new flash mob. VIDEO

The Murmansk ice-swimmers made up a new flash mob “Start up the time”. They came up with this idea as a follow-up to the Mannequin challenge viral videos. “We’re sportsmen - we cannot stand still. So we decided to “stop” the time for a while. We should always make the headway and move forward,” told SeverPost the flash mob facilitator

Kirovsk opens ski season 2016-2017

The new ski season has been opened in Kirovsk. All the local sports facilities, slopes and ski-lifts are welcoming both professional and amateur skiers. “The Big Wood pistes are waiting for guests. The seasons will be opened on December, 2” informed SeverPost the Kirovsk municipality. The Kukisvumchorr ski center launched the season on November, 26. Its slopes
